Tapley Electronic Decelerometer MTS Connectable – DVSA Approved
The new Tapley Electronic Decelerometer, re-engineered to make it MTS Connectable.
DVSA approved (Tapley EBM ref:EINCBD09863A1019110–) for all classes.
It is portable, lightweight and easy to use and is a must have for most 4×4 vehicles.
Bowmonk Brake Tester – BrakeCheck Series 2 MTS Connectable – DVSA Approved
Bowmonk Brake Tester – BrakeCheck Series 2 portable Brake Test Meter, is a high standard decelerometer. For use with Passenger Cars, LCVs, HGVs, PSVs, Motorcycles, Trikes and Quads/ATVs.
DVSA approved for MOT testing of all vehicle classes as well as for performing periodic voluntary brake tests on HGVs and PSVs.
Approved by the DVSA as an MTS Connectable Device EINCBD01863A1019109