Waste products are an unfortunate by-product of our industry.
Waste includes off-cuts of plastics, worn out or damaged tools and packaging.
PROSOL UK SALES & DISTRIBUTION LTD “The Company” accepts responsibility for the harmful effects its business activities may have on the environment both locally and on a wider scale and is committed to reducing them. One of the Company’s core values is to work to protect the environment in which we live and do business.
- This Policy Statement commits our company to:
- Meet or exceed the environmental legislation that relates to “The Company” and its business.
- Protect the environment by preventing pollution of land, air, or water via leakage of liquids gases or solids.
- Minimise waste by evaluating operations and ensuring they are as efficient as possible.
- Manage and dispose of all waste in a responsible manner and in accordance with legislation.
- Manage waste generated from the business operations according to the principles of reduction, re-use and recycling.
- Ensure that as many waste materials as possible are recycled via waste contractors
- Train our staff to work in accordance with this policy and at all times to promote a culture of environmental awareness.
- Operate our management procedures to include environmental factors during business planning and implementation.
- Give due consideration to environmental issues and energy performance in the acquisition or refurbishment of “The Company’s” premises
- Involve customers, suppliers and subcontractors in the implementation of our objectives.
- Identify and manage environmental risks and hazards.
- Promote environmentally friendly responsible purchasing.
- Where appropriate take steps to improve the environmental efficiency of our transport and business travel.
Our Policy Statement will be regularly reviewed and updated as necessary. The Directors Management and staff of PROSOL UK SALES & DISTRIBUTION LTD endorse this policy statement and are fully committed to its implementation.This Environmental Policy Statement has been approved & authorised by: