MOT Poster – Diesel Vehicle Testing Information (DTI)

Part Number: DVT7294

In response to customer requests Prosol UK have added to their range of MOT Information Posters with the Diesel Vehicle Testing Poster.

Highlights the changes to the MOT in May 2018 regarding Diesel Particulate Filters (DPF) and the need to question customers about the vehicles service history.

This A3 information poster is supplied in a high quality aluminium Snap Frame for display in your Reception / Viewing Area.

An invaluable aid in explaining these stricter rules to your customers.

Size: A3 – 297 x 420mm

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Buying Options

Quantity (units) Price
1 - 1 £14.40
2+ £13.50

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Associated Products

MOT Poster 2 PACK – Diesels and Test Changes (DTI + MTC)
Quantity (units) Price
1 - 1 £25.60
2+ £24.00